Tutor FAQs

Tutor FAQ’s

Becoming a tutor is a big decision so read below the answers to our most frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t answered on this page, feel free to get in touch via the live chat or contacting us at support@tutoring4you.co.uk

Become A Tutor
Tutor FAQ’s

We pride ourselves in high quality, tailored tuition which means we are very selective in our tutor recruitment. Our tutors are extremely knowledgeable in their respective subjects and are able to stimulate the young minds of students by delivering lessons interactively.

Take a look at our Tutor Requirements

Yes, there is. Visit Become A Tutor and answer our questions. If our recruitment team is happy with your application, then you will be invited to take an aptitude test. If you pass this test, then you’ll be contacted for an interview.

Only 1 in 7 tutors pass the interview, so bring your A game!

Through our live chat, which can be found on the bottom right of our page.

Alternatively email support@tutoring4you.co.uk